This video 'Rescued by Love' was produced by Pet Valu Canada, and directed by the very talented Angie Bird. Pet Valu has partnered with the
DYWM Project to help further our mission, and we are so grateful. This is the long-form version (2:20)
DYWM Project to help further our mission, and we are so grateful. This is the long-form version (2:20)
This video was filmed during Jack's dock-diving photo session with DYWM participant Alex (see her image and story on our Images page). Listen to her story and heed her words of wisdom. 'It doesn't matter who you love, it matters that you love' (3:00)
This video was produced by Brighton UK based and trans-owned My Genderation Films. It began as our
original fundraising video, then since edited down into a promotional short. (4:36)
original fundraising video, then since edited down into a promotional short. (4:36)
Reuben's video testimonial on his DYWM photo session with Deb in Summer 2018. (:32)
Toby's video testimonial on their DYWM photo session with Jack. Since then, Toby's been accompanying
Jack at other sessions, as an assistant. (1:01)
Jack at other sessions, as an assistant. (1:01)